
Dave Balroop, Inc. is a Business Consultancy focused on facilitating the growth of companies by directing their successful entry into complementary practice areas and lines of business, or new markets and industries. Dave Balroop, Inc. is engaged by small to midsize companies that demand innovative external business perspectives to creatively grow in existing markets and penetrate newer segments and verticals.


Our clients are businesses that are confronted by growth challenges which can no longer be addressed with existing internal resources and skills. These businesses have viable services or products, but have reached plateaus of stagnated revenues in competitive markets of fixed or declining sizes.


The industries we serve consist of businesses in high tech software and services, medical devices and systems manufacturing, computer systems manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, education, media, and marketing. Businesses engaging our services are generally tech savvy players in aggressive markets.


Dave Balroop, Inc. is a business consultancy that is exclusively focused on driving the growth of small to midsize businesses by directing their entry into complementary practice areas and lines of business, and subsequently, entry into new markets and geographies. The objective is to impact growth and profitability by exploiting existing capabilities before being disruptively new.

The firm has attained eminence as a business consultancy through its success at recognizing barriers to growth and profitability, implementing complementary offerings with limited barriers to entry, and by embracing new market opportunities that will not lead to catastrophic collapse. Our firm is uniquely differentiated by its capacity to balance risks and rewards first by exhausting the familiar before contemplating any new business ventures.

Our services are offered to businesses globally, with the largest percentage of our clients in the United States, Canada, and the UK. Although there are variations to the industries we serve, our successes are with tech savvy businesses headquartered domestically, but operating globally. This enables us to implement initiatives orchestrating local market dominance while formulating strategies for emerging economies.

More than ever businesses are confronted by shrinking markets, more competitors, nimble players, narrow margins, changing technologies, regulatory pressures, and many others. These challenges can easily overwhelm senior executives, marketing directors, product managers, business developers, sales representatives, and delivery professionals. Businesses are, therefore, eager to engage us as a partner to share their burden of responsibilities.


Since its inception in 2000 DaveBalroop, Inc. has established multiple brands that focus on areas of business and technology which present high growth opportunities. These areas include Enterprise and Cloud Systems, Mobile Applications, Software Quality Assurance, Cybersecurity, and Telemedicine. These brands are now profitable enterprises making significant contribution to the US, Canadian, and Indian economies; and enriching the wellbeing and livelihood of citizens globally through direct engagement, mentoring, and education.
(The triangle peaks should state the global market potential for: TechUnity cloud systems, AppsUnity mobile apps, QA Valley software quality assurance, Attack Solutions cybersecurity, and Stay Cured telemedicine.)

38 Million
Lines Of Codes
QA Valley
  • Brands Brands
Vulnerabilities Neutralized
Attack Solutions
  • Brands Brands
Medical Specialist
Stay Cured
  • Brands Brands
View Brands


The expertise we possess is based on the experience we have attained applying a complement of methods and practices in requirements definition, business modeling, performance simulation, market analysis, system design, project management, and engagement organization. Most of the deliverables we assimilate are created through the aid of software tools in process modeling, data analytics, statistical analysis, analytical simulation, project planning, engagement pricing, graphics representation, report generation, and document management.


It has been our experience that savvy clients have internally accepted standards in methods, practices, and tools. In such cases the expected modeling and documentation norms of these clients are established during the commencement of an engagement to ensure that we observe protocols.


In addition to their business and technology skills, advisors and consultants are trained in a set of standard operating procedures for chairing committee meetings, performing interviews, facilitating brainstorming sessions, assimilating reports and artifacts, and communicating findings.


Specialization – Advisors and consultants that are paired with clients generally possess specialized skills and experience in relevant industries, business functions, systems, or technologies. This may include industries such as high tech, manufacturing, retail, media; functions such as operations, sales, R&D, HR; systems such as ERP, CRM, SCM, CMS; and technologies in GIS, SCADA, embedded, mobile, cloud, or virtualization.

Modeling – Resources assigned to work with clients apply unique process modeling skills to accurately represent clients’ present and desired business processes. Common constructs derived are Process Decomposition, Activity Diagrams, Event Models, State Transition, Use Cases, Workflows, Storyboards, and Data Navigation; and these may be based on tools such as Visual Paradigm, Business Studio, Casewise, and Visio.

Analytics – A common set of analytical tools and techniques are utilized for the collection, cleansing, manipulation, assimilation, and representation of data. Advisors and consultants are proficient in Excel, SPSS, SAS, SigmaPlot, STATA, and a selection of specialty tools for survey design, population mapping, demographic representation, market segmentation, cluster analytics, and social network affinity.

Mentoring – Advisors and consultants are required to mentor elected clients’ representatives in common modeling and analytic techniques so that artifacts can be subsequently maintained. Mentoring can also be provided in managerial or functional specializations; or broader areas in project management, resource optimization, and contract management using tools such as Project, Genius, TrakSoft, and Contract Logix.


Dave Balroop, Inc. provides business consulting in four key areas: Business Model, Market Position, Human Capital, and Operations Enhancement. Engagements in these areas have the explicit objective to influence profitability and growth at minimum risk. Our services are offered as advisory or consulting engagements, with advisory being the recommended choice since this enables the client’s executive team to actively participate and experience the business and cultural changes that are being implemented.


We possess an exclusive quorum of business advisors each with over 25 years of experience serving as executives with Fortune 1,000 businesses. These professionals are paired to work with clients based on their experience with specific industries, business functions, and other traits such as client rapport.


Through many years of advising businesses, we have adapted our advisory engagement model into three tiers: 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months. This enables us to deliver greater value at a lower cost by spreading the timeline to facilitate greater attention to details, and to better fit the client’s operating schedule to avoid disruption in service.


Business Model Analysis – A comprehensive analysis is performed on the value chain of a business to validate the effectiveness for sustainable revenue generation at a reasonable margin. The value proposition is deconstructed, good / service is examined, market demand is confirmed, customer capture rate is quantified, sales cycle is analyzed, fulfillment is benchmarked, and transformational changes are enforced to enhance revenue.

Market Position Analysis – A magic quadrant and other artifacts are derived highlighting the market position assumed by the client with respect to competitors. This is supplemented by metrics qualifying the market size, maturity, segments, capture percentages, growth positions, repositioning barriers, and other KPIs. Risk averse marketing programs are formulated / implemented to capture growth opportunities.

Human Capital Assessment – This is NOT an assessment on the effectiveness of HR practices and policies, but a gap analysis highlighting the fit of the talent pool in relation to the talent required for a client to remain strategically competitive. This reports the deficiencies in human capital, and proposes / implements HR programs in training, mentoring, and recruitment to eliminate the talent gap and retain a competitive advantage.

Operations Enhancement – Critical benchmarking is conducted to compare a client’s performance against industry’s best practices or that of a key competitor. Gaps are measured in KPIs that are of strategic relevance encompassing areas such as total quality, cycle time, customer satisfaction, and cost. New practices and processes are modeled and implemented to eliminate performance gaps.

Your Market
Market Position Analysis
“Capture Underserved Markets”
Your People
Talent Pool Capabilities
“Enhance Human Capital”
Your Practices
Operations Benchmark
“Optimize Processes”
Your Business
Business Model Deconstruction
“Transform Revenue Streams”


Our business consulting approach is based on methods, practices, techniques, and tools that are routinely used in business systems analysis, design, implementation, and validation. This enables us to so address challenging business issues using models that are easily understood. The success we have attained in business consulting is predicated on the fact that our approach adheres to structured techniques that are executed on a phase by phase basis, with each phase producing a well defined set of business constructs and models.


The methods and practices we observe for qualifying and addressing business issues are formal, practical, and result driven. Clients are directed through systematic steps that assess, formulate, implement, and appraise specific business constructs that are the most fitting remedies for their current business situation.


Our engagements are segmented into four phases, with each phase producing a well defined set of deliverables. Assessment defines the situation and establishes the objectives. Formulation devises a remedy and a plan. Implementation enforces the remedy. Appraisal measures the success of the remedy.

Frame Work

Assessment – This is a formal process that analyzes the true needs expressed by a client, and transforms those needs into business requirements that are accurate and unambiguous. These requirements are expressed as statements of need at the context level, are decomposed to provide specifics, and are supplemented by robust process models that represent the situation to be addressed within the client’s organization.

Formulation – This is a disciplined framework that assimilates an economically effective business solution to address what ails the client. The solution is validated and defended to the client with the intent to uncover flaws that may hinder success. Through successive refinement, the solution is fine tuned to a level of impartial corporate acceptance, and an implementation plan is devised along with accompanying cost.

Implementation – The plan derived during formulation is put into action by solidifying financial commitments, organizing teams, allocating resources, and enforcing strict timelines and milestones. During implementation, as changes are made to existing business practices, organizational culture, and human capital; site reviews are conducted to confirm that the accepted business solution is having a positive outcome.

Appraisal – A formal review is performed following the implementation of the accepted business solution or practice. This is an impartial qualification of the level of success being experienced by the client, with pre and post performance data benchmarked to validate the expected targets. Conclusions are drawn whether the business need has been addressed, and whether this is directly attributable to the implementation.


“Establish Your Baseline”
“Roadmap Your Future”
“Remediate Your Shortcomings”
“Benchmark Your Improvements”


A full complement of videos & white boards characterizing who we are and what we do can be seen by visiting the YouTube channel for each of our respective Brands

The freedom to conceive, develop, and implement innovative solutions to address challenging global issues is what drives the Dave Balroop organization. This has resulted in actionable solutions in Mobile Technology, Voice Interface, Data Science, AI and Machine Learning, Telemedicine, Gene Therapy, Economic Mobility for the underserved, and now largescale implementations in Robotics for Industrial Automation. Our organization is driven by the unrelenting quest to solve the unsolvable, continuously facilitating advancements in human achievement. Sponsor of one of our endeavors and be part of a forum set on elevating the human condition.



Information and data are pulled from numerous sources to aid in the modeling and analysis of a client’s situation. These sources are generally government agencies, industry groups, trade associations, research firms, and academic institutions that are the known authorities for such data. Frequently it may be necessary to accumulate primary data that are not readily available from known entities. Disciplined techniques in research design are applied to ensure that the accumulated data are highly reliable and that proper privacy and ethical principles are enforced.


Financial data encompassing present market performance are pulled from the sources in the drop list below. These are the actual data that are being used in modeling and analysis reports covering those periods.


Industrial data encompassing present production performance are pulled from the sources in the drop list below. These are the actual data that are being used in modeling and analysis reports covering those periods.


The charts in this section present recent data on various facets of the domestic and global economy, including areas such as financial and industrial. These figures are used in analysis, simulation, forecasting, and planning; and are retrieved from primary sources such as the Federal Reserve, Department of Labor, the major stock markets, selected commodities exchanges, and reputable analysis firms. The recommendations we make, reports we produce, and programs we formulate cite these figures as authoritative performance indices for making sound business decisions.

DOW / Jones - New York

(The X and Y values shown on the chart above can be seen by hovering the mouse over the desired points.)


Mobile Applications


Artificial Intelligence


Virtual Conference


Energy Industry

Global Market Potential


Emergency Messaging – Earlier mover in the utilization of Emergency Message Broadcasting for Law Enforcement and First Responders including sector’s such as Government and Civil Defence.

Voice Interface – Pioneered the implementation of Voice Interface Applications in installations and industries where keyboarding is ineffective or impractical.

Mobile Applications – Spearheaded Mobile Applications deployment in multimodal logistics and distribution engaging common carriers and proprietary satellite networks.

Artificial Intelligence – Frontrunner in the adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in business intelligence and data science and in Numerous Forecasting Models

Virtual Conferencing – Innovated multichannel Virtual Conferencing to convene communicating parties across technology devices, vendor platforms, geographies, and time zones.

Competitive Bidding – Is revolutionized the Energy Industry Bidding process by creating a self regulating open auction house between operators and contractors.


Dave Balroop, Inc. has a multinational presence with offices in the United States, Canada, and the UK; and representative offices in Australia and India. We have also performed selected engagements in other geographies such as Russia, Brazil, Israel, and the Caribbean.

As business becomes more global, and trade barriers continue to disappear, we anticipate a growing global presence. This is the case as emerging economies continue to modernize and demand more and more strategic business services to attain global competitiveness.


Clients are able to reach us on demand through any of our global offices and several international numbers. Account executives also frequently solicit clients to identify new or changing needs. This open dialogue ensures that critical needs are quickly established and swiftly addressed.


Advisors and consultants are allocated to work with clients based on the respective industries in which they operate, the business skills that are required to address the needs expressed by individual clients, and possibly the physical locations where those clients presently operate.


If your firm has specific needs or challenges, we encourage you to call us, submit the form below, or drop us an email. Upon contact, one of our representatives will be assigned to work directly with you to establish your profile and qualify your needs. This will be followed by the essential conference sessions, online presentations and demonstrations, or onsite visits as we consummate an engagement contract detailing your needs and proposing our approach to cost effectively remedy the situation.

Contact Info

Address: Dave Balroop, Inc.
15 Bruyeres Mews
Toronto, ON  M5V  0A7
Phone: (647) 346-2920
Fax: (647) 439-1410

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